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Using NuGetPackager 0.5.5 with GitVersionTask 3.4.1

I'm using both NuGetPackager with GitVersionTask on my project that provides EntityFramework persisters for NServiceBus: GoodlyFere.NServiceBus.EntityFramework.

NuGetPackager seems to work seamlessly with GitVersionTask 2.0.0. However, GitVersionTask is up to version 3.4.1 and I just hate sitting at a version that far behind!

So, I updated my NuGet package to the latest version of GitVersionTask. That's 3.4.1 right now. Too bad, so sad! That caused this error:

The "CreatePackages" task was not given a value for the required parameter "Version".	1

The Problem

The problem turns out that NuGetPackager 0.5.5 is looking for a MSBuild property called "GfvNuGetVersion". See the code in the .targets file here.

GitVersionTask 3.4.1 (somewhere in a release since 2.0.0) changed that property name to "GitVersion_NuGetVersion". See the code here.

The Solution

So, how to fix this? NuGetPackager will probably be updated some day, but for now you can just translate the property in your .csproj file before the CreatePackage task is called in NuGetPackager.

Open up your .csproj file directly in some text editor like Notepad++. Find these two lines at the bottom of the file:

<Import Project="..\packages\GitVersionTask.3.4.1\Build\dotnet\GitVersionTask.targets"
        Condition="Exists('..\packages\GitVersionTask.3.4.1\Build\dotnet\GitVersionTask.targets')" />
<Import Project="..\packages\NuGetPackager.0.5.5\build\NuGetPackager.targets"
        Condition="Exists('..\packages\NuGetPackager.0.5.5\build\NuGetPackager.targets')" />

Before those two lines, add a target and a property group. The target will create a task that translates the new property to the new property. The property group wil define a BuildDependsOn to call that target before the CreatePackages target is called.

<Target Name="TranslateNugetVersion"
        Condition="'$(Configuration)' == 'Release'">
            PropertyName="GfvNuGetVersion" />
<Import Project="..\packages\GitVersionTask.3.4.1\Build\dotnet\GitVersionTask.targets"
        Condition="Exists('..\packages\GitVersionTask.3.4.1\Build\dotnet\GitVersionTask.targets')" />
<Import Project="..\packages\NuGetPackager.0.5.5\build\NuGetPackager.targets"
        Condition="Exists('..\packages\NuGetPackager.0.5.5\build\NuGetPackager.targets')" />

Now, when you build your project, everything should work great!
