Rendering must have placeholder chrome as its parent. Got ‘rendering’ instead
I got the error message (in my Firebug console) in the Sitecore Page Editor on a page where I had a nested sublayout. I had a basic two-column layout for the main sublayout of the page. Then, in the right column, I had another sublayout that further divided up the right column as I needed. Here is what the nested sublayout looked like:
<sc:Placeholder runat="server" Key="blogRightColumnTop" />
<div class="sidebar-blog">
<sc:Placeholder runat="server" Key="blogRightColumnBottomLeft" />
<div class="sidebar-ads">
<sc:Placeholder runat="server" Key="blogRightColumnBottomRight" />
This was a Javascript error that was preventing the Page Editor from fully loading the editor buttons for the edit frames I had on the page.
The error message (surprise, surprise) was a little mystifying, but it gave me enough of a clue to think that there was some type of nesting issue. I noticed that I had a sc:Placeholder element at the top of my nested sub-layout with nothing wrapping it. Perhaps this was the issue? I tried this edit to my nested sub-layout:
<sc:Placeholder runat="server" Key="blogRightColumnTop" />
<div class="sidebar-blog">
<sc:Placeholder runat="server" Key="blogRightColumnBottomLeft" />
<div class="sidebar-ads">
<sc:Placeholder runat="server" Key="blogRightColumnBottomRight" />
Notice the single, wrapping div. This worked! So, I’m not sure why, but apparently it solves this nesting problem. Perhaps Sitecore just does not expect a sc:Placeholder to be directly inside of another sc:Placeholder and so wrapping it solves that direct nesting issue.